Ready for Spring

By lamrou - March 20, 2017

Spring has been teasing it's way into Ottawa with nice sunny days or weeks sometimes & then have a freezing cold day right after to remind you winter isn't over quite yet. Nonetheless, stores have started to bring out the spring clothes, bathing suits, shoes and I've been getting some of them.

Bodysuits are my go to tops when I went to make some effort but also be comfortable. These two I got from Sirens who was having a buy 1 get 1 for $10 sale which made me want to get many but I told myself I'd come back. I've been wanting a long sleeve one that was basic so I can dress it up or down as well as white goes with everything. As soon as I picked this grey lion one, it was already a hell yes for me. When I tried it on, it fit so snug & perfectly I could not leave it behind.

I haven't had Bath & Body Works candles in a bit & my room hasn't been filled with such wonderful aromas anymore so I decided to bless my nose & room with the beauties that Bath & Body Works sells. I got the Midnight Blue Citrus & the Black Teakwood & I've been going back and forth between the two scents because they are just too good I don't want to burn them one at a time.

I went into Forever 21 to get myself a new eyelash curler because I got a nice gold one from there & unfortunately lost it but ended up finding a cute accessory as well.  The new eyelash curler I got from there isn't as good as the other one I had but it will do until I find an even better one that i'll probably spend money & get from Sephora. While I was there though, I found the cutest headband ever. It was a rose gold one with cat ears that was studded. 

 I have been into bright & bold lip colours lately so another one that I added into my collection is one from NYX called Foul Mouth. It looks like a bright purple from the bottle but its actually a bluish purple colour. I'm wearing it in the picture above with the cat ears.

Excuse my nails I forgot to clean them up before taking that picture because I like to messy paint my nails & clean around when they get dry; messy painting gets all the corners that I usually miss painting neatly. Fingers crossed spring actually comes soon because the last time we had nice weather there was a two day snowstorm & heavy snowfall. I will be gone for the week to a nice sunny hot place but I still want to be able to return to some nice weather when I get back.

till next time



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