TV Shows

By lamrou - November 26, 2016

TV shows are a universal thing that is like an ice breaker question to see if I can make conversation with people or to see how cool they really are. My TV show roster is filled with many shows like:

  • Gotham - currently my absolute favourite show
  • This is Us - such a heart wrenching show that just shows storylines that all relate 
  • Grey's Anatomy - the one I've kept up to date with every week & am in love with #TeamMcSteamy
haven't watched these shows below because I am behind on them or they aren't playing on TV at the moment

  • The Flash - I'm a season & a half behind on this show because i decided to start Grey's from season 1 one day
  • New Girl - i'm like a good season behind on this show it just slowly died for me & other shows were just more worth my time but i can never just leave a show unfinished so ill catch up one day, maybe
  • The Mindy Project - season 5 has started & i just need to watch them. there should be no more than 5 though
  • Modern Family - this show is absolutely jokes & always got me laughing. i'm a few episodes behind but just need to binge one day & get caught up with tv
  • Arrow - i've fallen behind on this show & desperately need to catch up because it's one of my favs (seen like 1/2 the cast IRL)
  • Nashville - coming back in Jan YAAASSS fave country music show & the reason I need to go to Nashville
  • Mistresses - it's slowly just not the same as it was in the beginning but the drama is crazy & steamy & it's like an updated version of desperate housewives
  • The 100 - this show is absolutely crazy & I'm ready for it to come bacon Netflix soon

So I've been watching two new shows that I'm obsessed with & loving the black community making it out there & doing their thing. It's great to see more black people on tv & shows that black people can relate to. 

I've been watching Insecure & Atlanta lately and absolutely loving both of them. Insecure is by Issa Rae who is also the main character in the show. I have been watching her from when she was on YouTube so I was super excited for Insecure & started watching it as soon as the first episode aired. She started with The Misadventures of Awkward Black Girl (ABG) on her channel which was a mini series with two seasons if I remember correctly. Then she referred her subscribers to the Black & Sexy Channel where many other mini series were posted & she appeared in a few as well as helped produce them. On Black & Sexy TV, I watched Roomieloverfriends, Hello Cupid, The Number and The Couple. On Issa Rae's channel she also had other mini series such as First & How Men Become Dogs. Watching these Black dominated shows gave me some sort of belonging and characters I could relate to because they had the same skin colour as me as well as issues that other black people deal with on a daily basis which was outlined a lot in the Unwritten Rules which was another mini series on inkSpot Entertainment Channel. 

These shows were better than a lot of the other shows on tv as well as resonating with me so I kept watching all of them and started every new series that would start. So when Issa Rae announced she would be having a show on tv best believe I was the happiest soul alive and counted down the days until it aired so I can get on it and see where she has made it from just a YouTuber to now an actress on tv producing her own show. Then I heard about Atlanta sometime after Insecure started. 

I searched up the trailer to Atlanta and it looked interesting and was a mostly black cast in the show so I was already on board as well as Donald Glover was in it, I LOVED him in Community and he was playing a completely different character this time. I forgot about the show for a few weeks and then a friend of mine had a scene on her snapstory & when I asked her opinion of the show she said I should get on it so best believe that's what I did that same day. I'm currently on episode 5 and plan on going until I finish the first episode because it hilarious and like a chill show if that makes any sense; things happen but it's not like crazy and something to expect every episode, it's just things happening & jamming to Paperboy. 

Another show I just started is called The Crown which is pretty interesting & about the modern times. I am into all kinds of shows & as long as it's interesting I'm down to check it out. I've watched a few episodes & I am enjoying it; currently on episode 3. It's all about Queen Elizabeth's II reign of the United Kingdom. I think it was filmed & casted so well & I'm always down to be learning about things through tv shows because how else does one find out about things.

check em out & let me know what y'all think about these shows. till next time.



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