Event Planning 101

By lamrou - February 26, 2017

Today I'm here to give you guys some tips on planning events because if you didn't know, I'm an Event Manager; finished the program last summer & graduated in October. There is a lot that we learned but for smaller scale events such as a wedding shower, baby shower or even a birthday party, there are tips that can make planning your event easier. These tips can also make sure you don't get charged those fees in the contract you glanced over before signing.

Planning any type of event is gonna be hard work if you want it to be successful & want to make sure everyone has a good time. You can have an event that you pull off quickly with minimal effort but it won't be as great as the one you planned & put effort into; the difference between a great & average event.

There are a lot of things that I've learned in this program that I would've never known before if I wanted to plan an event. Also, before this program, my extent of planning events was arranging birthday parties for my friends a.k.a dinners of like 8-10 people, maybe more. So now that I've gained quite some knowledge, let me let you in on some of it.

#1. Clean up charge 

If you are trying to throw confetti, glitter or something of the sorts, you will most likely see a $500 charge on your bill & wonder what it was for. I don't know about you but if you've ever tried to clean glitter up off carpet or hard wood floors but it takes a lot of effort & products. In this case, the venue will most likely tell you to not do it & if you do, you're looking at a fat bill.

#2. Picking a venue 

When you're planning a wedding or a baby/bridal shower, you probably will come to your event planner with a place in mind that you want to do it at. You'll be all excited about it & that's great, but don't be rushing into anything too quick. You want to choose your venue after you have the basic questions about your event answered such as: how many people are coming, are people dancing/moving around, what equipment do you need & how much space will that take up? You want to plan your venue around your event, NOT your event around the space because nothing makes your job harder than trying to fit everything you want into a smaller room. However, still tell your event planner about that place you're obsessed with because it could possibly work. They'll also have it on their mind and hopefully will find similar types of places that will fit for your event.

#3. Contracts 

This is where people get too excited & sign everything too quick, eager to move on to the next step. Hold up real quick thou! Do you know whether you just signed your life away or what all those papers actually say? Always stay informed & know what is going on because you don't want to be that person complaining about charges they got, after you've signed everything. Ummm I'm sorry....it was all written in that contract you glanced through & didn't take the time & effort to actually read!

I have so many more tips & tricks such as how you should calculate food & drinks depending on the people who are attending your event. Find these tips and more on my Planning Pinterest board.

til next time



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