January Reflection

By lamrou - February 04, 2018

There are so many posts saying how January was such a long month that basically lasted forever, which is hilarious but it did feel long especially because there were 5 Mondays, I mean... c'mon. Thankfully it's finalI'mover & i'm proud to say that I have taken the necessary steps to start the year off right. I have been:

  • slowly adding new & different items to my closet, getting more out of my comfort zone
  • I signed up for the gym, bought a gym bag & went to my first class which was great
  • I went to a Canadian Magazine Launch Party which was pretty cool
  • I started reading my TBR books & finished two of them already
  • did some healthy eating where I cooked at home for a week

I felt like January started & I didn't know how I was gonna start achieving my goals or where to start, but slowly but surely it all worked out & now I've made my path that I will continue to follow the rest of the year.

February shall be full of eating good food, shopping at the boutiques in Ottawa I wanted to check out, learning how to use makeup & continuing to surround myself with motivated and inspiring people. I want to grow immensely this year; month by month. I also want to do these reflections at the end of each month to see my achievements.

till next time



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