Exploring my Province: Toronto

By lamrou - May 25, 2015

I have been dying to travel to all these places around the world & I haven't even discovered my own province, especially the capital city Toronto. I always just tell myself that I can always go & I'll go next time, but how long can you push away an easy trip? So I finally decided it was time & went with my mom to the city that's almost like America, they have all the American chains that we don't have up in Ottawa. She drove too so it was a somewhat comfortable adventure. 

We left Friday after work & school with our car packed of clothes & snacks then hit the road. We decided to go the long weekend, Victoria Day, so we got to spend 3 days there before driving back Monday afternoon. 

Friday night, we pulled into Toronto at 11:30pm after a long 5 hour drive & went straight to bed. Saturday morning we didn't leave the house until like 10am. Once me & my little sister got changed & were away from the boring adults, we went on our own adventure to discover the city.

We started from Shuter & Parliament & walked down Queen St East. We turned off Queen St & found a Starbucks which was right before the Eaton Centre; I have never seen so many Starbucks so close to one another like I did in Toronto & New York. Why is Ottawa not at that level yet? Once we made it to the Eaton Centre we walked around there to get bored & leave, they have everything we have here but just a bit more. So we ended up leaving the mall & walking around outside.

We ended up finding this pretty pool of water that had a statue beside it which made a good rest point.

Continued walking down the street to find Queen St West where there was so many boutiques, shops & restaurants which I think is a pretty place for some shopping & eating; for the next time I'm back.

We got hungry so we started to walk back to Eaton Centre to change our minds & get food from the food truck right infront of city hall. It was nice view to sit there & eat anyways. Mmm halal chicken hots dogs & some crispy fries.

Then we somehow ended up by Air Canada Centre so of course we had to take pictures with the Toronto Maple Leafs Statues.

It's kinda sad we were by the trains across the street from the CN Tower, but we never went to check it out up close & personal; but I shall be back.

The sky looks so pretty when the sun sets. I'm sure I took this on our way to pick up my mom from a friend's house & then I drove back; learning how to drive on Toronto highways prepares you for any highway.

This was one of my favourite restaurants & I definitely need to go back & stay for hours until i've tried it all. Frankie Tomatto's in Markham was a good Italian all you an eat buffet. I had 3 plates.

When in Toronto you gotta obviously go see your friends, which I did. Doesn't that lip colour look nice on me?

Everyone was drinking bubble tea up in Dundas Square so I got myself one too; Taro Slush was bomb diggity.

I wish I had brought more film to use while there but at least I still had two pictures left.

I rode the street car which was pretty cool. I love how they have so many options of transportation while we only have two.

This was a cool looking hotel so I wanted to take a picture of it because it's such a Tumblr thing to do.

Of course we had to hang out in Dundas Square at night, it wasn't Times Square but it was still pretty nice.

We also checked out Orfus Street where the Outlet stores are and I got myself a pretty nice & long cardigan. They had a bunch of stores there but I wasn't really looking to shop on this trip. I bought 3 tops & a pair of Vans socks & was pretty satisfied with that. My adidas sweater that I got I am in love with & have been wearing it mostly because it's been chilly here.

Overall though I think it was a good first trip to Toronto & know that I know some things and have many places I can come & crash at, I will be back for many more trips. It's a close city that has a ton of cool stuff that I got to check all out. Maybe the next time I come back I can go do the Edge Walk at the top of the CN Tower.


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