Tips before your first spin

By lamrou - August 26, 2018

I’ve been to two spin studios so far & with two different people who don’t usually spin & I learned that no one prepares you for your first spin. So I’m here to let you know what it is & better prepare you before you book that class & go in. The class itself is not hard, no matter which teacher you have but knowing somethings may bring you some ease. 

Sooo let’s get right into it:

- Bring shit to shower & a change of clothes because if you are tryina leave the studio without showering you are crazy because your gonna sweat like an ice cream cone on a hot day in places you didn’t even know you can sweat; the right teacher & you pushing yourself will have you sweating buckets

- The person who checks you in will tell the teacher that there is a new rider but if a teacher doesn’t approach you, go up to them & tell them your new & ask for help setting up your bike & give you some good tips on making it through your first class (show up early so you have time & not in a rush)

- Your first class just be ready for your ass & lady parts to be sore af (I dunno I guys get sore to but i'd imagine so). I now understand why bikers wear padded bike shorts; those seats get uncomfortable & fast too. It takes a few classes to get a bit more comfortable but you’ll never be completely okay with it in my opinion at least i was uncomfortable 85% of the time

- There are weights involved where you spin & do light arm workouts for just one song which would be like 3/4min so choose the right weights to rough our for the whole song. I feel like 2lb is a good start because 1lb might be not a challenge & 3lb is a lot for the start because you are pumping to the beat of the song.

- You want to be able to last during the class so put the resistance at what is too much & then soften it to what you can handle and go with it. When they say go up try I but if it’s too much then soften it to what you can handle but is a challenge as well. You want to be able to push yourself but also listen to your body & see what it’s saying.

- I think the best bike to book is the first row or the second where you have a good view of the mirror & the instructor so you can see what everyone is doing & what your supposed to be doing; if you don’t want to be in the front & center you can be in the front & on one of the ends. Plus if you can see yourself in the mirror you can watch yourself & make sure your form is right & you are in sync with the class.

- Taking your shoes off is actually a little bit confusing & the way they say it made no sense for me but let me explain it better. So you clip in & that’s not too hard but taking them is different. You need to just open your knee out to it’s side like the flamingo pose in yoga and it should unclick; you’ll jusneed to use some force & kick out.

And then of course just remember to stretch after because you want to make sure your muscles don’t hurt like crazy since you’ve been working them out pretty wild. Also if you haven’t worked out in forever you will be sore after spin even if you usually do workout, you may be a little sore it all depends how hard you go in class but the one place that will definitely hurt is your ass & parts.

I have a whole post about Wheelhouse Cycle that I went to & Spin Co cause now that you have the tips you just need to find a spin studio to check out.

happy sweating


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